Beginning May 3, 2024, New York State (NYS) will require all persons 18 years and older and all persons under the age of 18 years with risk factors undergoing treatment in Emergency Departments (EDs) and other practice settings to be screened for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).1 Hepatitis C is the most reported bloodborne infection in the United States and is responsible for approximately 15,000 deaths annually, making its death rate greater than that of HIV.2 In NYS alone, it is estimated that 116,000 New Yorkers are living with Hepatitis C.1As such, NYS in July 2018 announced the establishment of a Hepatitis C Elimination Task Force, aimed at furthering research, surveillance and cross-sector care models.3 This upcoming NYS Law presents an opportunity for discussion regarding the impetus for such measures, as well as its impact on EDs across the state.