Social Emergency Medicine is when an emergency provider incorporates social context into the practice of EM.
Social EM is present in the ED as providers examine and consider a patients social determinants of health when prescribing, discharging and planning follow-up care.
Emergency Physicians are well positioned to implement social emergency medicine practices.
Social determinants of health are the non-health factors that affect health outcomes.
Many of these factors are indicators of an individual’s likelihood to end up in the emergency department visit that is otherwise avoidable. Emergency medicine providers have an opportunity to advocate, educate and voice these concerns to improve the health of all communities which addresses many of these issues.
The best place to begin addressing this important topic is in your own department. New York ACEP is proud to work with many programs across the state (and country!) to share how Social EM leaders are working to improve the health of their communities. We encourage you to visit our Social Emergency Medicine Tool Kit to learn more about steps you can take today.