The New York American College of Emergency Physicians is now accepting abstracts for review for oral and poster presentation at the 2025 Scientific Assembly, July 8-10, at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George in Bolton Landing, New York.
The Research Forum, including both oral and poster presentations, will be held Tuesday, July 8 at 1:30 pm. This forum is designed to feature and foster resident and faculty research. Topics may address the broad range of emergency medicine practice and educational development. Preference will be given to work completed at the time of submission. Authors and institutions should not be identified in any way on the page containing the abstract.
Abstract submissions must be submitted using the form below and must include the following subsections, Title, Objectives, Methods (include design, setting, type of participants), Results and Conclusion. It is expected that this is original research with results to be included in the final presentation. The abstract should be written in complete sentences using grammatically correct English. Spell out all abbreviations on first usage. Abstracts are limited to 3,000 characters (excluding spaces). Accepted abstracts will be published as received; no copy editing will be done.
Illustrations are discouraged; however, if critical, one (1) small table may be included. Figures, tables and photos must be black and white with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Note: tables, figures and illustrations will be considerably reduced when published causing loss of detail. Please consider this when determining whether to include these. The online submission form identifies all information required for each submission.
Case Reports/Series are not accepted.
We are interested in original work and consideration will be given to abstracts presented at other conferences (SAEM, ACEP), as long as a manuscript has not been published at time of submission.
Oral presentations will be allocated 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. Twenty-four poster presentations will be allocated 5 minutes followed by 3 minutes of Q&A. All presenters (oral or poster) are expected to have had a significant role in the execution and report preparation of the project being presented.
About the Process: There will be a blind review of all abstracts. Notification letters will be sent April 21, 2025. We regret we cannot give notification information by telephone.
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025
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