Scientific Assembly
Call for Visual Diagnosis Images

The New York American College of Emergency Physicians is now accepting image case reports for presentation at the 2025 Scientific Assembly, July 8-10, at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George in Bolton Landing, New York.

Guidelines: Clinical or Radiological Images will be accepted. Submissions may include up to two figures. The case report, discussion and diagnosis (excluding the four questions to test conference attendees) should not exceed 300 words. The Case report must be uploaded as an individual word document, and the discussion, diagnosis and questions must be uploaded as a separate word document. Images should either be (1) rare, (2) offer new insight into a known disease, or (3) a classic image that has not previously been reported. Please limit to four references. Please adhere to your local institution’s guidelines for deidentifying and submitting medical images of patients.

Structure of the Case Report in Word format (Clearly identify each bulleted section below in the submission).

  • Title
  • Authors and affiliations
  • Case Report: The case report should be written in complete sentences using grammatically correct English. Accepted Case Reports will be published as is.
    • Limit to several sentences on how the patient presented and do not include the diagnosis.
  • Discussion should include the following (as applicable)
    • Define the pathology and describe the findings (if it is a radiographic image)
    • Overview (background, pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology)
    • Usual presentation (History and Physical)
    • Differential Diagnosis
    • Workup
    • Treatment
  • Why is it important for an emergency physician to be familiar with this diagnosis?
  • Four questions to test conference attendee knowledge (multiple choice or True/False)
    • The questions may address issues of etiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnostic testing, natural history of disease, risk factors, management/treatment, potential complications, patient disposition or other subjects pertinent to pre-hospital and hospital-based emergency medicine healthcare providers. For each question, you should indicate a single correct answer and provide a brief discussion of the correct answer.

The case report, discussion and diagnosis (excluding the four questions to test conference attendees) should not exceed 300 words.

  • The image(s) should be submitted as a separate .jpg or .png file. Image descriptions and arrows identifying pathology should be included in the Discussion word document but should not be included in the final presentation.

Videos will not be accepted.

  • 300 dpi resolution

About the Process: There will be a blind review of all image case reports. Ten images will be displayed during the conference.

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025

Visual Diagnosis Image Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields

Complete the following form for each image case report submitted.

First Name
Last Name

Contact Information

Limit to several sentences on how the patient presented and do not include the diagnosis.
Max. file size: 128 MB.

Discussion should include the following (as applicable)

- Define the pathology and describe the findings (if it is a radiographic image) - Overview (background, pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology) - Usual presentation (History and Physical) - Differential Diagnosis - Workup - Treatment

Why is it important for an emergency physician to be familiar with this diagnosis?

Four questions to test conference attendee knowledge (multiple choice or True/False)

- The questions may address issues of etiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnostic testing, natural history of disease, risk factors, management/treatment, potential complications, patient disposition or other subjects pertinent to pre-hospital and hospital-based emergency medicine healthcare providers. For each question, you should indicate a single correct answer and provide a brief discussion of the correct answer.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Image descriptions and arrows identifying pathology should be included in the Discussion word document but will not be included in the final presentation, attached here.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Max. file size: 128 MB.

Photo Release Attestation

I have adhered to my institution’s guidelines for deidentifying and submitting medical images and audiovisual recordings of patients.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If you are granting permission for another person, what is your relationship to that person?