Traditional conference didactics may not always meet the learning needs of current emergency medicine (EM) residents. ACGME guidelines recommend a minimum of 16 hours of formal classroom education in ultrasound but it is unclear how this time can be utilized most effectively. EM education has been on the forefront to adopt active-learning strategies (e.g., flipped model classroom) to compliment traditional didactic lecturing. Research in medical education suggests these active learn – ing techniques, (e.g., peer-assisted learning, problem solving and hands-on experiential learning) are effective in engaging learners and enhancing knowledge retention. However, research is scarce regarding the best means of didactic ultrasound education. This could be due in large part to a lack of established educa – tional strategies that can be used for ultrasound teaching. The aim of the current project was to expand our toolbox of effective ultrasound teaching methods.