ED Practice

The ED Practice Innovations Conference is an educational program designed to help individuals interested in practice management deal with the demands of providing emergency care in New York State.

Event Details

Friday, May 2, 2025

The New York Academy of Medicine
1216 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10029

Directions | Parking

8:00-3:30 pm

Full Schedule Coming Soon

2024 Exhibitors


Americans with Disabilities Act

If you are in need of special assistance while attending the forum, contact New York ACEP at (585) 872-2417 in advance.


If written cancellation is received by April 4, 2025, a refund for registration fee less a $75 administrative charge will be issued. After April 4, no refunds will be issued. Telephone cancellations will not be honored.

New York ACEP reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course due to any unforeseen circumstance. In the event of a cancellation or postponement, New York ACEP will refund registration fees, but is not responsible for any related costs, charges, or expenses to participants.